Tony McKinley is the author of the first book for business users of PDF, “From Paper to Web” (Adobe Press, 1997). After working in the PDF industry ever since, his latest book “PDF Expert” details Lessons Learned from his experience selling PDF solutions to thousands of the most demanding customers in the world. Like his first book, “PDF Expert” focuses on the rich functionality of the PDF architecture itself, giving the reader a deep understanding of all that is possible with the dominant business document format. Sharing his world-class expertise in Optical Character Recognition, he explores all the options available when it is necessary to convert PDF content to formats purpose-designed for editing and manipulation, primarily to MS Office formats MS Word and Excel. Unlike most books on PDF which concentrate on telling the reader how to perform a specific series of tasks in a specific PDF editor, McKinley shares all the possibilities in the format, while showing the alternatives in other approaches to achieving business requirements. McKinley demonstrates exactly how to perform the most demanding PDF tasks from advanced PDF creation, effective editing, automatically building fillable forms, indexing and advanced fuzzy search to security tasks ranging from redaction and metadata scrubbing to PDF security measures. McKinley uses Kofax Power PDF, the product he has successfully sold for over 15 years. to show exactly how to do it. Power PDF achieved parity with Adobe Acrobat in the world’s most demanding market of Big Law and replaced the traditional solution at some of the largest aerospace, pharmaceutical and automotive global manufacturing companies, as well as local, state, and federal government agencies. First and foremost, McKinley provides the reader with a deep and thorough understanding of what you can accomplish with PDF as a format. And then he carefully shows you how to do it, with over 200 screenshots and detailed instructions, in a top-of-class PDF editor, Kofax Power PDF Advanced.
PDF users faced with a challenging new task will save hours of time and effort by reading the appropriate section of this book to find the best way to accomplish their goals.
Copyright © 2023 Tony McKinley. All rights reserved.
Email: amckinley1@verizon.net